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‘Ensōma’, is a meditation tool from Mousepickle for iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®. You can find out more about Ensōma, and can buy a copy if you wish, from the App Store...

Link to the App Store where you can buy Ensōma

Other app info:

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Relax and focus with a blend of ensō and drawing-based mindfulness

How to work the app

Mesmeric patterns appear as you draw your finger across the screen. Swirls and meshes unleash your creativity; draw without inhibition. Now, look closer and bring the spirals and infinite loops tighter...

Begin to draw a circle.

Breath in as your finger moves away; breath out as your finger moves back towards you. Round, and round, and round.

Screenshots of Ensōma on some iPhones

The circles coalesce, but when you stop creating the circle... what then separates the inner from the outer?

Version history


Initial release

Known issues

None at present.

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