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Individual app info:

The Lightbird, animated storybook

Moon Mamba, 3D arcade game

Sea Snake, 3D arcade game

Pip Wangler, 3D puzzle game

Tinkerball, musical toy

Drumball, musical toy

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Privacy policy for iOS apps

Personal information

Our iOS apps do not collect, and we do not share, any personal information about users.


Older versions of our iOS apps use an analytics module (Google Analytics) to track ‘large scale’ user actions like starting a game, or finishing a level. No personally identifiable information is gathered. The tracking allows us to improve the quality of our apps. Current versions of our iOS apps do not explicitly track any user actions at all.

Links to third party content

Where we provide links and/or connections to other apps or services from our iOS apps we are not responsible for their privacy practices or content.

Changes to this policy

This page was last updated 15th November 2016. Please check back occasionally, in case our privacy policy changes.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy you can email directly to .