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‘Drumball’, is an application from Mousepickle for iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®. You can find out more about Drumball, and can buy a copy if you wish, from the App Store...

Link to the App Store where you can buy Drumball

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Drumball is a musical toy for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch...

Drag beats across the surface of your Drumball sphere, selecting from Kick, Snare, Clap, Tom and Ping sound effects. Then set the sphere spinning with a swipe of your finger, and let the mesmerising rhythms begin...

Screenshot of Drumball on an iPad

With millions of possible combinations of beat positions, you can be sure the sounds you get the Drumball to make will be unique, and with a selection of themed drum kits and metronomes included you'll be able to create whatever suits your mood...

Screenshots of Drumball on an iPhone

The basic controls

  • Five themed drum kits
  • Five metronome background tracks
  • High resolution graphics
  • Spin the Drumball by wiping your finger across the screen
  • Poke and prod the beats into position
  • Spin the Drumball faster or slower to change tempo
  • Easily create your own rhythmic compositions...
  • ... or get the Drumball to rustle up some random beats!

Link to the App Store where you can buy Drumball

Version history


Major overhaul:

  • Rebuilt for use with newer iOS versions and devices
  • Compatible with larger screen sizes
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Now requires iOS 9 or above (previous versions remain compatible with iOS 5.1 and above)


Bug fix and maintenance:

  • Updated for new iOS versions.
  • Improvements to appearance on newest devices.
  • Reduced chance of 'pops' when the same kind of beat is played several times in quick succession.


Bug fix:

  • Resolves issue with a ‘Donut’-flavoured Drumball becoming temporarily silent when speeding or slowing the spin with no background rhythm playing.


Initial application release.

Known issues

None at present.

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